Solar News
Here are 3 prominent rooftop solar trends emerging in 2022
Porous insulator contact breaks passivation-transport trade-off
Porous insulator contact breaks passivation-transport trade-off by Staff Writers Hefei, China (SPX) Mar 21, 2023 A research team led by Prof. XU Jixian from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) designed and fashioned a novel porous insulator contact (PIC) for perovskite solar cells. […]
Scientists create novel bandgap-tunable 2D nanosheets made from perovskite oxynitrides
Scientists create novel bandgap-tunable 2D nanosheets made from perovskite oxynitrides by Staff Writers Kumamoto, Japan (SPX) Mar 21, 2023 Two-dimensional monolayer nanosheets made from layered perovskite have many desirable properties. However, it has been difficult to create them with tunable bandgaps in the visible region without adding oxygen defects. Recently, researchers from Japan […]
Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels
Solar industry feeling the heat over disposal of 80 million panels by Staff Writers Adelaide, Australia (SPX) Mar 21, 2023 The renewable energy sector is facing a quandary: how Australia will dispose of 80 million solar panels in an environmentally friendly way when they reach the end of their life. Paradoxically, […]