The long-awaited initiative to collect and distribute solar energy in Blount County is in its contract stages.
On Tuesday, Maryville City Council approved agreements for three different locations of a solar power plant in the county: one from Sevierville Road near the Northfield subdivision, another from Mint Road near the Old Niles Ferry intersection and the last located on the factory of DENSO of Robert C. Jackson Drive.
In all, the properties are about 150 acres, said Baron Swafford, Director of Maryville Utilities.
Before construction can begin, Blount County will have to approve any necessary zoning changes to allow solar power plants on all properties.
“That’s one thing that could mess this up, but I don’t see much resistance for solar installations,” Swafford said.
The request is a four-point effort between Maryville Electric Department, DENSO, Tennessee Valley Authority and Silicon Ranch.
In 2020, MED and TVA signed an amendment to their electricity contract that allowed the city to obtain 5% of energy from another source. The TVA program, Generation Flexibility, enables local power companies to generate up to 5% of their total energy production.
Silicon Ranch – a provider of renewable energy, carbon and battery solutions based in Nashville – will build and run the solar power plants for MED at no cost to the city.
“The only duty we have when we sign the contract is that we are forced to buy everything they produce for 30 years,” Swafford said. “And it’s cheaper than our rates.”
Silicon Ranch’s solar power will be a fixed rate for the next three decades, as it does not depend on the cost of fuel or any other market-changing component. Swafford said the rate for MED is set to cover the cost of Silicon Ranch’s investment in building and maintaining the solar panels.
Council approved agreements on Tuesday that stated the city would pay Silicon Ranch a tariff of $ 47.50 per megawatt hour.
Swafford said the price Maryville’s electricity customers are currently charging is a combination of the cost of energy and demand for it. As of July 1, Maryville’s electricity tariff is $ 116.65 per megawatt hour with a customer of $ 10.86 per residential use.
In total, the three solar plants will have the capacity to emit up to 10.5 megawatts of solar energy. Energy produced by each of the plants will serve the area in which the plants are located, but will offset a VAT requirement for all MED customers.
The venture began about four years ago, Swafford said, when DENSO contacted him about reducing the corporation’s carbon footprint. After TVA approved the Generation Flexibility program, the city began looking for a contractor to build solar energy.
Silicon Ranch was awarded the contract more than eight others, a former reporter from The Daily Times states. While that was two years ago, acquiring the land was a perennial hurdle.
“To be completely honest about it, when we started this project, I never thought we’d come here,” Swafford said. “We’re such a compact system, I didn’t think we’d find the property they need to accomplish what we’re going to do.”
Construction will begin in January 2024 and plant operations are ready to begin by December 31, 2024.
In addition to the solar power plant located on DENSO’s property, the corporation plans a fourth solar power plant to serve its operations. A statement from DENSO states that details will be provided once agreements with participants are complete.
The fourth place will be part of TVA’s Green Invest program.
Where is the biggest solar farm in the US?

Completed in June 2015, Sun Star is the largest solar farm in the United States and also the largest in the world. The plant has approximately 1. To see also : San diego ibew solar.7 million solar panels on more than 13 square kilometers in Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California.
Where is the largest solar farm? Bhadla Solar Park became the largest solar park in 2020 with a capacity of 2,245 MW. Spread over more than 5,700 hectares (14,000 acres), the park is located at Bhadla village in Jodhpur district in the Indian desert state of Rajasthan.
Where are most solar farms in the US?
California ranked No. 1 in solar installations with 3.3 GW installed in 2018, and it receives nearly 14% of its electricity from solar. On the same subject : How Home Solar Energy Protects Puerto Rico from Collapse. The United States has some of the largest, most beautiful and productive sun farms in the world.
Where are solar power plants located in the US?
Name | State | Notes |
Solana | Arizona | Largest solar thermal plant in the United States and largest with molten salt energy storage |
Sun star I & II | California | Largest solar farm in the United States |
Topaz | California | |
El Dorado | Nevado |
Where are most solar farms located?
How big are big solar farms? The world’s largest solar parks have a capacity of 2,000 – 2,200 megawatts (MW), most are located in desert regions in China, India, and the Middle East, Egypt being a prime example. There are also large plants with more than 500 MW in the United States, Mexico and southern Europe.
Which part of the US is best for solar power production?
Los Angeles leads the nation in total installed solar PV capacity among the 69 cities surveyed in this report; as it did from 2013 to 2015 and in 2017, shortly after being surpassed by San Diego in 2016. Since 2016, Los Angeles has added more than 150 MW of solar capacity.
Which US state produces the most solar power?
California has by far the largest installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power of any U.S. state. As of September 2020, California had a cumulative solar power capacity of over 29 gigawatts. Texas followed with a capacity of about 6.8 gigawatts.
Where in the US is best for solar power?
Best Places In The United States To Have Solar Panels
- Hawaii. Hardly surprising considering the amount of glorious, strong sunshine they receive each year. …
- Northern California. …
- New Jersey. …
- Florida. …
- Colorado. …
- Nevado.
What state produces the most solar energy in the US?
Comfortably ahead of its rivals, California remains the undisputed leader when it comes to solar power in the United States, with nearly 23 GW of solar installed. Nearly 17 percent of California’s electricity comes from solar, with the sector employing more than 86,000 people there.
How many acres is the largest solar farm in the United States?
At 13,000 acres – about 1,000 times the size of Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts – it is aptly named the Mammoth Solar project.
What state has the most solar farms?
California has by far the largest installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power of any U.S. state. As of September 2020, California had a cumulative solar power capacity of over 29 gigawatts.
How does community solar make money?

Customer Subscriptions: When you subscribe to part of your local solar farm, your energy bill goes to support the project. This provides a consistent source of revenue for the projects.
What is the catch with a solar community? Disadvantages of community solar Many people who invest in a community solar program do so on a subscription model; with this pricing model, you don’t own solar panels at the farm, but rather pay for electricity generated at the solar farm at a rate that is usually lower than what you pay to your utility company.
How do free solar companies make money?
Regardless of its “benevolent” image, the solar industry is an industry like any other: the companies offering products are looking for a profit. Solar rental providers make their money by selling you electricity, usually at a lower rate than what you pay for your utility.
What is the catch to free solar panels?
Here’s the deal: There’s no free lunch (or free installation of a solar panel). Free solar panels’ are not actually free; you will pay for the electricity they produce, usually under a 20 to 25 year solar lease or purchase agreement (PPA).
How do solar companies make a profit?
Overall, solar energy companies make money because of having low costs, being able to guarantee results, getting more people to use their services, and building great relationships with people who invest in their services and who could be future customers.
How profitable are solar companies?
A typical return is around 6% per year, but this requires a long-term investment strategy as the company’s owner. For companies that only install panels for customers who pay at the same time, you can see profits of $ 5,000 to $ 10,000 per job. However, this requires a steady stream of new contracts.
Are there any downsides to community solar?
Disadvantages of Community Solar – Subscription Model: You will not have access to any of the tax benefits of solar. You own nothing. There will be administrative costs. Community solar is not available in all locations.
What are the 2 major drawbacks to solar power?
Disadvantages of Solar Energy
- Cost. The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is quite high. …
- Weather dependent. Although solar energy can still be collected on cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency of the solar system decreases. …
- Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive. …
- Uses Lots of Space. …
- Associated with Pollution.
What is the catch with community solar?
And we are even more proud to answer: “There is no capture!” Your Community Solar Farm will bring you savings year after year. ” Community Solar can sign up for free because you don’t buy your panels. Instead, you subscribe to receive credits for the electricity they generate.
How does solar energy hurt the community?
Teruzo. Large utility-scale solar panels take up a lot of space, which can result in environmental degradation and habitat loss. Sun farms that cover a large amount of land are likely to have an impact on the local fauna and flora, especially birds.
Is community solar a good investment?
As a residential solar, the financial benefits of community solar subscriptions have improved over time as the price of solar equipment falls and electricity prices have largely risen.
What is the downside to community solar?
Geographic Restrictions. One of the biggest disadvantages of getting a solar garden subscription includes geographic limitations. This means that if you leave the territory of a communal solar garden, it is not possible to bring the subscription with you.
How do community solar projects make money?
The developer pays us for each subscriber (specifically, each new kWh of electricity) we enroll in our Community Solar farm. The developer, in turn, earns his or her money through customers ’normal monthly payouts, so no additional fees are required to participate!
Is investing in solar power a good investment?
On average, homeowners can expect to save about $ 1,400 a year on their bill after switching to solar. The rising cost of electricity, combined with the declining cost of solar panels and systems over the last few years, is making investment in solar energy affordable for homeowners.
What is the downside of solar farms?

It can affect the local environment in negative ways. The land can no longer be used for anything other than electricity generation. The reflective panels may not be personally attractive to some people. The panels, once installed, can also change local habitats and affect wildlife in negative ways.
What are 4 disadvantages of solar energy? Disadvantages of Solar Energy
- Cost. The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is quite high. …
- Weather dependent. Although solar energy can still be collected on cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency of the solar system decreases. …
- Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive. …
- Uses Lots of Space. …
- Associated with Pollution.
Do solar farms devalue property?
It is a common misconception that grounded sun farms decrease nearby property values. Examining property value in states across the United States demonstrates that large-scale solar arrays often have no measurable impact on the value of adjacent properties, and in some cases may even have positive effects.
Do solar farms devalue property UK?
However, we find clues suggesting that solar farms lead to a house price decrease of about 2-3%. Not surprisingly, the impact is more localized than the impact of turbines and limited to 1 km.
Do solar panels reduce property values?
Some studies have shown that solar installations increase the resale value of a home to $ 6,000 for every kilowatt of solar panels installed, or by about 4.1% of the value of the home. However, this can vary quite a bit from one geographic location to the next, even for comparable homes with similar solar panel systems.
Does living next to a solar farm decrease property value?
McGarr’s studies found no consistent negative impact on residential property value that could be attributed to nearby solar farms.
Why do farmers not want solar farms?
They worry that solar farms are leaking chemicals into the soil or that manufacturing solar panels is bad for the environment, but both of these arguments are false. Solar panels are made of aluminum, glass and sand that does not enter the ground and manufacturing is generally clean.
Are there dangers with solar farms?
Electricity from solar panels and transmission to the power grid emit extremely weak electromagnetic fields. Exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields has been widely studied, and there is no evidence that it is harmful to human health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Do solar panels ruin farmland?
You should not burn crops under or around solar installations; this could lead to electrical fires and damaged equipment. However, solar can still be installed at the agricultural site where no burning is to take place.
Do solar farms contaminate the soil?
Ultimately, most solar farms are actually safe to operate. However, possibly toxic heavy metals and silicone by-products are used in these projects. Damaged units or time can release these pollutants into the environment. As such, consider taking soil samples to check for possible contaminants.
Are there dangers with solar farms?
Electricity from solar panels and transmission to the power grid emit extremely weak electromagnetic fields. Exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields has been widely studied, and there is no evidence that it is harmful to human health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
What are the problems with solar farms?
The clearing and use of large areas of land for solar energy installations can negatively affect native vegetation and wildlife in many ways, including loss of habitat; interference with rainfall and drainage; or direct contact causing injury or death.
Do solar panel farms give off radiation?
Do solar panels emit EMF radiation? Although solar panels do emit EMF radiation, it is quite small, and probably not dangerous. The real problem is that the solar panel system, or photovoltaic system, creates dirty electricity that ultimately radiates EMF radiation into the home.
Do solar farms contaminate the soil?
Ultimately, most solar farms are actually safe to operate. However, possibly toxic heavy metals and silicone by-products are used in these projects. Damaged units or time can release these pollutants into the environment. As such, consider taking soil samples to check for possible contaminants.
Are solar panels worth it in MA?

Just how much money? The average Massachusetts household paying $ 100 a month for electricity can save about $ 35,900 over the next 20 years – nearly $ 1,800 a year – by buying and installing a rooftop solar system, according to data from EnergySage, an online marketplace for solar consumers.
Do solar panels work in Massachusetts? Many people have the misconception that solar (PV) systems do not work in Massachusetts, due to New England’s various weather conditions. However, experts agree that Massachusetts is a great place for solar systems.
How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves Massachusetts?
The average payback period for solar panels in Massachusetts is about 5 years. Your payback period will depend on the cost of your system and the amount of power it generates. The more energy your system generates, the faster it will pay for itself.
Does Massachusetts pay for solar panels?
Eligible homeowners can receive payments from their utility company in Massachusetts for every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of solar energy they create over ten years. In other states, these credits are known as Sun Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs).
How long does it take for a solar panel to pay itself back?
Solar panels pay for themselves over time by saving you money on electricity bills, and in some cases, earning you money through ongoing incentive payments. The repayment time of a solar panel averages between 5 and 15 years in the United States, depending on where you live.
Are solar panels worth it near Massachusetts?
Are solar panels worth it in Massachusetts? Solar panels have declined by more than 80% in the last ten years. In 2020 they also remain subsidized by the 26% federal tax credit and the net measurement law, making them an excellent investment.
Do solar panels increase home value in Massachusetts?
Solar Panels May Raise Property Values According to, a 2015 study showed that those in the market for a new home are willing to pay a premium of up to $ 15,000 extra for homes with residential solar panels.
What is the average cost for solar panels in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts Sun Panel Costs According to Save On Energy, a solar panel system in Massachusetts costs between $ 3 and $ 5 per watt. The average solar system size for residential use is five kilowatts, making the average solar system cost anywhere from $ 15,000 to $ 25,000.
Do solar panels make sense in Massachusetts?
Not only do solar panels make sense in Massachusetts, the state also offers incentives for homeowners who use this renewable resource. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center highlighted eight incentives and programs for residents to take advantage of.
Does solar make sense in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts is among the most energy-friendly states in the United States. According to data from Environment Massachusetts Research and Policy Center, Massachusetts has the sixth highest solar capacity in the nation. As of July 2021, an average solar panel in Massachusetts will cost you $ 3.10 per watt.
Does Massachusetts use solar energy?
According to the Sun Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Massachusetts ranks in the top ten solar states in the United States with 1,020 megawatts (MW) of solar installations, enough to power 163,000 homes.
Do solar panels increase home value in Massachusetts?
Solar Panels May Raise Property Values According to, a 2015 study showed that those in the market for a new home are willing to pay a premium of up to $ 15,000 extra for homes with residential solar panels.