Solar power can quickly become an electric saucer at Erie’s city fire.
The leadership of Mayor Joe Schember is considering a plan that will result in the installation of more than 200 solar panels on the roof of Erie Central Fire Station, 208 W. 12th St.
The initiative is part of a long-term commitment by the city to promote the use of electricity and clean and affordable water as well as reduce emissions. It could save the city more than $ 7,000 a year in electricity-related costs at the fire station, city officials said.
“We think it is efficient and stable and can provide long-term maintenance funding, and we will look to do it for other facilities,” said Chuck Zysk, city operations manager.
Other: What the owners of the Erie-site have to do with the solar panel
The Erie City Council on March 16 approved an agreement that would allow city officials to continue their work. Renee Lamis, Schember’s chief of staff, said city officials hope to complete the project before the end of this year.
The design, construction and installation of solar panels and other related equipment, including a battery-saving battery and energy saving system, is expected to cost about $ 250,000, according to city officials.
The project, which would include repairing the roof of the fireplace, would be funded by donations and gifts.
“We hope to be able (eventually) to provide 100% of the building’s electricity” through solar panels, said Sarah Peelman, a city conservation planner. “This could be one of the few public buildings in Pennsylvania to have this kind of plan.”
The plan calls for 225 solar panels to be installed at the fire station, Peelman said.
Justin Mason is the marketing and implementation manager for the Solar Revolution, Erie’s solar installation company is consulting with the city about the fire station plan.
Mason said the 255 solar panels will generate up to 95,000 electricity per year at the station, which is equivalent to the amount of annual electricity received from Penelec.
The solar panel system would last for about 25 years, Mason said.
“The team will make a profit in the 16th year, now saving the city out of $ 164,000 over the value of the remaining years when you take the rise in energy prices into account,” Mason said. “You have to remember, your electricity bill is going up every year.”
Peelman said the city has already received two funding for the project: $ 25,000 from Penelec’s Sustainable Energy Fund and $ 24,375 through the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority’s Restart program.
PEDA provides funding for other energy projects around the world.
Peelman said the city is also seeking $ 200,000 in donations from Green Mountain Energy’s Sun Club, a Houston-based renewable energy company’s sustainable grant program. That offering has not yet expired.
Peelman said the fire station was good for the project.
“It has a high visibility on that corner and there are no trees in the sun protection area on the roof,” Peelman said. “It is also a place of danger. With a battery system and a local clean power generator there, the building can be used as a command point for other operations if power is cut off from other buildings in the city for some reason. “
Erie Bureau of Fire Chief Joe Walko agreed. Nearly 30 firefighters operate the fire station, which houses three tower truck companies and deputy department heads.
“If a fireplace can stand on its own without needing to use electricity from Penelec, then that’s a good thing,” Walko said.
The fire station plan coincides with the city’s participation in Erie’s Emerging 2030 District, a program aimed at seeing property owners across the region reduce energy consumption, water use and transportation by up to 50 percent by 2030.
Emerging 2030 Circuit: The system aims at energy, water, emissions to be more efficient
There are more than 20 active districts by 2030 around the United States Covenant Church and Mercyhurst University.
Erie’s Emerging 2030 District affiliated with the Green Building Alliance, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting building and community development.
Peelman said that, as part of participating in the Emerging District 2030, the city has promised to significantly reduce the cost of electricity at three public buildings by 2030.
Erie City Hall, 626 State St., and the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, at 68 Port Access Road on the east bayfront, are also undergoing energy reduction projects, Peelman said.
“If we can do this on other buildings over time, our costs will increase,” Peelman said. “We can look into more solar panels, more LED lights and things like that. That’s the best of the best.”
Contact Kevin Maruva at Follow him on Twitter at @ETNflowers.
Prices for 2015 to 2017 RECS purchases are between $ 0.15â € ”$ 0.045 perWW generated. In 2021, SREC prices start at $ 10 to $ 400 depending on the SREC market.
Why are RECs better than offsets?

Purpose: Medications represent smoke reduction, provide support for smoke reduction activities, and may reduce the cost of reducing GHG emissions. On the same subject : The industry calls Biden tariff probe a “disaster” for the day. The RECs enhance customer service decisions, address environmental concerns and complaints about energy use, and support energy efficiency.
Do RECs reduce carbon emissions? In short, the RECs allow the purchase of green electricityâ € ¦ but do not give any guarantee that carbon emissions are protected. Carbon offsets, on the other hand, represent reduced carbon emissions or emissions through various projects.
What is the difference between offsetting and Insetting?
While carbon offset can take advantage of the action of reducing GHG altogether without direct or indirect action by the company, implantation refers to the reduction of GHG to a direct relationship, be it geographical, manufacturing, or material. This may interest you : Free solar san diego.
What is an Insetting project?
What is Carbon Insetting? Carbon insetting is an innovative way to reduce emissions while driving business value. It uses corporate investing to promote strong performance and reduce your company’s carbon within your value chain. Many carbon setting projects are related to agroforestry.
What is offsetting in sustainability?
Offsetting is a way for businesses and individuals to take responsibility for everything they produce and invest in the transition to a carbon economy. As a global community, we must use a number of methods to address climate change.
What does it mean to offset emissions?
Carbon offset refers to a significant reduction in GHG emissions â € “or increased carbon storage (for example, through land reclamation or replanting) – which is used to compensate for other emissions that occur elsewhere.
What is the use of RECs?
RECs are designed to reduce carbon emissions due to the use of your company’s electricity- they mainly affect the company’s 2 emissions. Carbon offsets are derived from projects or events that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase carbon sequestration or help remove greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.
Why do companies buy RECs?
An REC is provided when 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is generated and supplied to the power grid from a renewable energy source. It can be from the roof of a solar array, a large wind farm or other sails. An attractive feature for companies seeking to increase is the amount of renewable energy they use.
What are the benefits of RECs?
It is better to buy RECs
- Reduce carbon footprint, providing less pollution and climate change.
- Supporting renewable energy market.
- The ability to choose where you buy energy is possible from locally or anywhere in the U.S.
- Encourage your company’s commitment to renewable energy.
What is the purpose of RECs?
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) provide proof that the owner of a market energy instrument has one MWh of renewable energy; they calculate the amount of renewable energy flowing through the electric gate.
What is the difference between carbon offsets and RECs?
A REC tool-based market represents the right to environmentally friendly renewable energy production. The carbon offset project is a special project designed to reduce GHG emissions, increase carbon storage, or increase GHG emissions from the atmosphere.
What carbon offsets mean?
Carbon offset refers to a significant reduction in GHG emissions â € “or increased carbon storage (for example, through land reclamation or replanting) – which is used to compensate for other emissions that occur elsewhere.
What is a rec EPA?
Renewable energy certificate (REC) is a commodity, market-based product that represents the legal rights to the ‘renewable-ness’ â € â if not all of the inputsâ € ”for the development of renewable energy. A REC can be sold separately from real electricity (kilowatt-hour, or kWh).
Can RECs be used to offset scope 1 emissions?
So they can be used to stabilize direct output, such as from Scope I at the company foot. On the other hand, renewable energy sources, or RECs, represent one megawatt hour (MWh) of energy generated from clean, renewable energy, such as wind, solar, hydro, or other types of renewable biomass.
What does a renewable portfolio standard do?

Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require that a fixed portion of consumer electronics market be based on renewable resources. Countries have developed these measures to diversify their energy resources, promote energy efficiency and promote economic development.
Who sets the renewable portfolio standards? Renewables Portfolio Standard – RPS | California Energy Commission.
How does an RPS work?
The RPS technology puts a commitment on power supply companies to produce a defined portion of their electricity from renewable energy sources.
What are the benefits of RPS?
Benefits: This study examines the benefits associated with reducing air pollution and preventing harm to human health, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and preventing the effects of climate change, and reducing water use in power generation.
Are renewable portfolio standards effective?
Many countries have adopted the RPS requirements because it is an efficient, cost-effective, market-based approach to achieving the goals of renewable energy. RPS requirements can be used in both controlled and optimized electrical markets.
What is an RPS policy?
State Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) are flexible-market-based plans that ensure the public benefits of renewable energy are realized. RPS requires network operators to receive a small percentage of their power from renewable energy sources one day.
Why do states adopt renewable portfolio standards?
The RPS ensures that the minimum amount of renewable energy (e.g., wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy) is included in the state’s renewable energy sector, and – by increasing the required amount over time – the RPS can put the electricity industry on track to increase …
Which states have a renewable portfolio standard?
State | Mali | Year |
California | 100% | 2045 |
Colorado | 30% | 2020 |
Connecticut | 48% | 2030 |
District of Columbia | 100% | 2032 |
Why should we adopt renewable resources?
Renewable energy provides reliable electricity and fuel distribution, which increases energy security and lower the risk of oil spills while reducing the demand for oil exports. Renewable energy also helps to conserve natural resources.
What is renewable energy portfolio standard?
A renewable portfolio standard (RPS) is a regulatory force to increase energy efficiency from renewable sources such as wind, solar, biomass and other forms of fossil and nuclear power generation. It is also known as renewable energy level.
Are renewable portfolio standards effective?
Many countries have adopted the RPS requirements because it is an efficient, cost-effective, market-based approach to achieving the goals of renewable energy. RPS requirements can be used in both controlled and optimized electrical markets.
What is the renewable energy portfolio standard?
A renewable portfolio standard (RPS) is a regulatory force to increase energy efficiency from renewable sources such as wind, solar, biomass and other forms of fossil and nuclear power generation. It is also known as renewable energy level.
Do renewable portfolio standards deliver cost effective carbon abatement?
RPS leads to a modest decline in carbon emissions, the study finds. But Greenstone and Nath argue that this reduction comes at a higher price. They say, under the RPS, it would cost about $ 130 to prevent a ton of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
What is Dsire?

DSIRE is the largest source of information technology and systems that support renewable energy and capacity in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the NC Clean Energy Technology Center at NC State University.
How many kWh is a renewable energy credit?

A renewable energy credit (REC) â € ”also referred to as a renewable energy source or green tagâ €” is produced for each megawatt-hour (1 MWh, or 1000 kilowatt-hours) of renewable energy produced and brought to power. grid.
How much energy can provide the energy that is possible? In 2020, renewable energy gave 11.59 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) â € ”1 quadrillion is the number 1 followed by 15 zerosâ €” equivalent to 12 percent of U.S. total energy.
Is renewable energy is unlimited?
Renewable energy (or renewables) is the process of generating energy from (theoretically) infinite natural resources. These nutrients may be available without a time limit or filling up faster than the amount consumed. Renewable energy is more commonly mentioned than fossil fuels.
Is non renewable Unlimited?
By definition, the supply of an uncontrolled substance is limited. Many mineral oils, minerals, and iron ore are irreplaceable. Renewable resources such as solar and wind power and water have no end in supply.
Is there unlimited energy?
We are surrounded by an endless stream of pure energy — the sun, wind, oceans, plants, atoms, the earth’s core — but technology and the economic reasons for using them are beyond our comprehension.
What is considered a renewable energy?
Renewable energy is the energy absorbed into the earth’s endless resources, such as wind and sunlight. Renewable energy is another alternative to fossil fuels, and it seems less harmful to the environment.
What are the 4 examples of renewable energy?
The most popular renewable electrical sails at the moment are:
- The power of the sun.
- Wind power.
- Hydro energy.
- Tidal energy.
- Geothermal lions.
- Biomass lions.
Why is it considered a renewable energy?
Renewable energy is energy from natural resources that replenish it over time without depleting Earth’s resources. These resources also have the advantage of abundance, are found in almost every area, and cause little, if any, environmental damage.
How much are renewable energy credits worth?
Homeowners and retail businesses receive a SREC for one hour per hour (MWh) of manufactured electricity. They can then sell these SRECs to consumables. SREC can make $ 300 or more in some markets and, for a typical 5 kW solar panels at home, you can earn six SRECs per year.
How much are solar renewable energy credits worth?
The value of SREC, as a stock, is traded, and changes depending on the supply and demand of SREC in the global market. So what exactly are SRECs worth right now? Currently, SRECs are trading for between $ 5 and $ 500, depending on the country.
What is the current price of a REC?
Volunteer prices for the REC increased from $ 0.31 / MWh in August 2017 to $ 0.70 / MWh in August 2018.
What is an energy credit worth?
You can take a tax credit of ten percent of the cost of renewable energy and 100% of the cost of residential capacity. This loan is worth more than $ 500 for all combined years, from 2006 until its end. At the combined $ 500 limit, the bulk of the $ 200 may be for windows.